Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Some things do not suck

                                                 Louisa takes over the dollhouse

In the midst of all the heavy stuff going on in our lives there is a lot that is totally awesome.

For instance: Hey Nora, how is that stay-at-home parenting thing going?
Internet, I am so glad you asked!

It is going really well.

I am rocking it with the meal planning and cooking. I have made delicious meals that the whole family eats (even Miss A, who will typically subsist on blueberries and air). I purchase healthy, non-processed foods that I then use before they spoil. I use the weekends to make "end-of-week vegetable soup" (throw the leftover veggies/wilted greens/about-to-turn squash into a pot with some lentils and broth), bake bread, and roast root vegetables.

I am MOVING my body every freakin' day and it is awesome. Seriously people, when you sit at a desk for eight hours a day for over a decade it is revolutionary to be able to putter around all day, wandering from corner to corner of your house.

I am picking the kids up from school on time every day, talking with their teachers and getting to know the other parents. I make sure homework is done each night.

The house is reasonably clean and dishes and laundry get washed regularly.

I am maintaining a social life for myself and the kids. I have seen friends on my own, scheduled playdates and facilitated activity participation. 

I am reading, writing and thinking. I am walking Archie (our three legged beagle) and cuddling with Louisa-cat.

Some goals for the remainder of the week:

Take the bucket bike out of the garage and turn it into a Girl Scout Cookie Mobile for Miss A to ride in while we sell/deliver cookies.

Mail YH's birthday care package. I have a block about this. It has been sitting on our counter, packaged neatly in a gallon ziploc bag, for over a month now. I just cannot bring myself to mail it. Isn't that awful? Bad mama.

Continue organizing/purging items stuffed in drawers throughout the home.

We're doing ok.

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